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Way Big Blogaskfasr Movie
Way Big Blogaskfasr Pizza
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Best Way Websites are the experts for Promoting Small Business on the World Wide Web. nn','areas/music/views/radioDialog':'n','areas/music/views/media/_songSquare':'ntvar songLink = '',ntttoolTipAttribute = ';nn if(songSquare.songUrl)nttsongLink = songSquare.songUrl;nt else nttsongLink =;ntnn if(songSquare.size 'small' songSquare.size 'medium')ntttoolTipAttribute = 'rel='tooltip' ;ntnntvar classes = 'song mediaSquare';ntif(songSquare.size) nttclasses += ' ' + songSquare.size;ntntif(songSquare.inline)nttclasses += ' inline';ntnnnn Way Big Blogaskfasr Movie ' draggable='true'n ' = toolTipAttribute n - play('song', n if (songSquare.size != 'medium' songSquare.size != 'small' typeof(connect) != 'undefined') n - connect('song',, songSquare.connections locals.connections) n n ' /n if ( songSquare.size ! 'small') n EXPLICIT n n nn if(!songSquare.hideMetaInfo)n 'n n '= n if( songSquare.size 'small') Explicit n n - n n n ','areas/music/views/media/_albumSquare':'ntvar albumLink = '', artistLink = '', toolTipAttribute = ', albumImageUrl = albumSquare.album.imageUrl;nn if(albumSquare.albumUrl)n albumLink = albumSquare.albumUrl;n else nttalbumLink = albumSquare.album.albumUrl;ntnn if(albumSquare.artistLink)n artistLink =albumSquare.artistLinkn else if(albumSquare.album.artistId typeof(links) != 'undefined') nttartistLink = albumSquare.album.artistUrl;ntnntif(albumSquare.size 'small' albumSquare.size 'medium')nt toolTipAttribute = 'rel='tooltip';n if(!albumSquare.showMetaInfo) albumSquare.showMetaInfo = 'none';ntnntvar classes = 'album mediaSquare';ntif(albumSquare.size) nttclasses += ' ' + albumSquare.size;ntntif(albumSquare.inline)nttclasses += ' inline';ntnn if(!albumSquare.notUseCommonHelper (albumSquare.size 'small' albumSquare.size 'medium'))n n albumImageUrl = common.helpers.albumImage(albumSquare.album, '70x70');n nn' itemtype='' draggable='true'nt'nt' = toolTipAttribute ntt- play('album', albumSquare.album) ntt if (albumSquare.size != 'medium' albumSquare.size != 'small' typeof(connect) != 'undefined') nttt- connect('album', albumSquare.album, albumSquare.connections locals.connections) ntt nnntt' /ntt if (albumSquare.album.isExplicit albumSquare.size ! 'small') nttt EXPLICIT ntt ntnntnt if(!(albumSquare.showMetaInfo (albumSquare.showMetaInfo 'none' albumSquare.showMetaInfo 'extended'))) ntt 'nttt n ' itemprop='name'= albumSquare.album.title n if (albumSquare.album.isExplicit albumSquare.size 'small') Explicit n nttt if (albumSquare.album.artistId) ntttt' class='artist-name' itemprop='byArtist'= albumSquare.album.artistName nttt else ntttt- albumSquare.album.artistId nttt ntt nt nnnnn if(albumSquare.showMetaInfo albumSquare.showMetaInfo 'extended') nt ntt nttt Released nttt -, 'mmm dd, yyyy') nnttt Recorded nttt -, 'yyyy') nnttt if(albumSquare.album.genreName albumSquare.album.genreName.length 0) ntttt Genre ntttt = albumSquare.album.genreName nttt nnttt if(albumSquare.album.displayLabel albumSquare.album.displayLabel.length 0) ntttt Label ntttt = albumSquare.album.displayLabel nttt nnttt if(albumSquare.album.tones albumSquare.album.tones.length 0) ntttt Moods ntttt - albumSquare.album.tones.join(', ') nttt nnttt if(albumSquare.album.styles albumSquare.album.styles.length 0) ntttt Styles ntttt - albumSquare.album.styles.join(', ') nttt nnttt if(albumSquare.album.themes albumSquare.album.themes.length 0) ntttt Themes ntttt - albumSquare.album.themes.join(', ') nttt ntt nt n ','common/views/generic/postcontrol':'ntif((context.features.isMentionProfileEnabled locals.enableMentions) !locals.disableMentions) ntt Way Big Blogaskfasr Pizza ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' contenteditable='true' class='textarea'= locals.text ' nt else ntt ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and nntt ntttntt nt n
broken image